Key Stage 3: Religious Studies

Medieval Burials

Here is some background on religion in 15th Century England.

Tomb effigies of Henry II of England and Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, painted blue and red, at Fontevraud. Wikimedia Commons

Your Task

Choose any of the following.

Research the burial places of the Plantagenet kings and queens of England of whom Richard was the last. Create a guidebook to these, including any images of their tombs and interesting facts you may find out about their construction and the individual they commemorate.

Links to all medieval Cathedrals in England , where some kings and queens were buried, can be found here.

Based on the graves and monuments of other Plantagenet kings, describe and design a tomb for Richard in a style of the 15th century. This can be in any media you like. You can see the 21st century tomb created for Richard III’s reburial in Leicester here, consider what elements of medieval religiosity feed into this modern interpretation and why.

Imagine you are a herald for the court of the new king, Henry VII. Write a description of Richard III’s burial as you think it was conducted by the Grey Friars of Leicester in 1485. Remember the burial would have been conducted according to Christian rites, and his body placed in a grave in front of the altar. This article will help you.